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Online Enrolment Form International Students
I declare that the information I have provided on this form and supporting documentation is true and correct. I do hereby certify that this application has been completed by me personally.I agree that in the event I have supplied false, misleading or inaccurate information that MSQ reserves the right to refuse, vary or terminate the student enrolment application. I further acknowledge that I have the financial capacity to pay my college fees and living expenses as and when they become due.
Sharing personal information: I understand and agree and consent that my personal information may be made available to the relevant agencies i.e. Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP), Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), Tuition Protection Service (TPS) Director and the Health Insurance Provider pursuant to obligations under the ESOS Act 2000, the ESOS Regulations Act 2001 and the National Code 2007 or their successors and to any staff or contractor(s) employed or engaged by MSQ to provide advice or services in connection with MSQ registration and/or compliance.
MSQ will not provide or disclose to any outside parties’ personal information other than is approved in this application. However, if required by law to disclose such information then this information will be released. I further consent to being contacted by MSQ and/or the relevant Commonwealth agency in connection with my enrolment and future studies.
I nominate the Education Agent detailed in this document to be my Education Agent in further dealings with this college.Note to applicant: You may access your personal information by contacting the Manager of Student Relations; your personal details may be edited and corrected if required. I have read and understood above mentioned *
I confirm that I have read and understood all of the terms and conditions as stated in the International Student Handbook.

For Student Visa Applicants
If you are selected for acceptance into your chosen course, you will receive a Letter of Offer and a Student Acceptance Agreement.
These form/s must be completed and returned with applicable fees and supporting documentation. Once this is completed, upon final approval a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) will be provided.